The Hudood Ordinances: Bridging Classical Islamic Law And Contemporary Practice In Pakistan


  • Usman Waheed Research Scholar, Universitas Islam International, Indonesia.



Hudood Ordinance, Islamic Law, Modern Legal System, Classical Islamic Law, Pakistan


This study focuses on the Hudood Ordinances of Pakistan enacted in 1979 by General Zia-ul-Haq and its relation to classical Islamic law. The study aims to comprehensively analyze the Hudood Ordinances' nature and their relevance to Islam, which impact the traditional sources of Islamic law. This paper's literature review aims to provide the necessary information about classical Islamic law and the general background of the enactment of the Hudood Ordinance. Methodologically, the study uses both primary and secondary data through qualitative comparative analysis concerning the contents of the Ordinances, as well as classical Islamic legal sources, alongside the resources of charter treaty articles, academic publications, and case studies. The findings of this study clearly and unmistakably show differences between the Hudood Ordinances and classical Islamic law regarding interpretation and application. Specific risks and barriers to implementation and a general view on the social issue and women's rights remain the case, and legal studies focus. This presents criticism and reform concerning the topic of academia and the promotion of human rights. Interestingly, reconciles theoretical and pragmatic findings emphasizing the general significance of Islamic law and Pakistani society with recommendations for further research and policy advancement. As a result, this article raises its voice to the increasing conversation of integrating Islamic legal principles into the modern system of laws with particular reference to Pakistan.



How to Cite

Waheed, U. (2025). The Hudood Ordinances: Bridging Classical Islamic Law And Contemporary Practice In Pakistan. Journal of Religious and Social Studies, 4(2 Jul-Dec).