Journal of Religious and Social Studies <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><em><strong>Journal of Religious and Social Studies-JRSS</strong></em> is an open-access, triple-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the scholarly Articles of Religious and Social Studies. The journal publishes original and reviewed research articles and book reviews related to Islamic sciences to promote the flow of ideas, exchange, and discussion of research findings. </p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><em><strong>JRSS</strong></em> strives to contribute to academic inquiries by positioning Religious sciences as its main focus and encouraging its contributors to comprehensively consider the different facets of Religious and Social Studies. Contributions are encouraged and welcomed from Pakistan and international academics in Religious and Islamic theology, philosophy, sociology, jurisprudence, contemporary studies, comparative religion, spirituality, Qur’anic and Sunnah studies, Religious history, and art, Psychology with religious perspectives, socio-economic problems, socio-religious paradigms and reviews of most recently published books.</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><em><strong>JRSS</strong></em> aims to provide a forum for the study of religious and religious societies in a global context with added focus on the Pakistan region. It also encourages interdisciplinary studies of the Islamic world that are cross-national and comparative to encourage interaction among academics from relevant and various traditions of learning.</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><em><strong>JRSS</strong></em> publishes at least two volumes per year. Journal items are published collectively, as part of an issue with a table of contents. Special issues of the journal will be also published and are overseen by guest editors, accordingly.</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">​Please, refer to the guidelines before submission in the <a href="">Style Guide</a>. For more information visit <a href="">Authors Guidelines</a>.</p> School of Religious and Social Studies -PSRSS, Satiana Road, Faisalabad (38000), Pakistan. en-US Journal of Religious and Social Studies 2789-0317 Investigating Judicial Activism in Pakistan: Analyzing Significant Precedents in the Promotion of Environmental Sustainability <p>Within the context of ecological conservation, the function of the judiciary has become increasingly significant as a powerful institution. The ever-changing terrain of judicial activism in Pakistan is a debatable matter, with a particular emphasis on its role in promoting the preservation of the environment. This paper investigates the role of Pakistani courts as protectors of the environment and their influence on policy settings and advancements toward sustainability, by analyzing certain relevant case laws. This study investigates the actions and judgments made by tribunals and courts, as well as their subsequent impacts on practices and laws related to the preservation security, and sustainable growth of the environment. The selected legal cases cover a wide range of ecological concerns, enabling a comprehensive examination of the impact of legal activism on areas such as waste oversight, resource administration, and protection endeavors. This analysis examines many issues that could impede the effectiveness of judicial activism, such as limitations in resources, gaps in execution, and possible disputes between the goals of ecological protection and financial constraints. This essay aims to offer a comprehensive examination of the intricate relationship among the legal system, ecological problems, and the endeavor for stability. This paper will add to the ongoing conversation on the influence of judicial activism in defining ecologically conscious notions in Pakistan by synthesizing the outcomes of significant cases. This statement highlights the significance of an active court in supplementing the endeavors of both the executive and legislative branches, thereby cultivating a mutually beneficial association between legal principles and the environment. In essence, this investigation provides a basis for future discourse regarding the potential for statutes and judicial rulings to more effectively harmonize with sustainable development objectives, all while negotiating the intricate landscape of ecological problems in Pakistan.</p> Muhammad Saad Saleem Aqsa Tasgheer Tehreem Fatima Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2023-10-29 2023-10-29 3 02 Jul-Dec 1 19 10.53583/jrss06.01.2023 Conflict Resolution and Development of Skilled Leadership: Reconciliation between Muslim and Western Approaches <p class="abstract" style="margin: 0in .5in 2.0pt 9.0pt;">The present paper explores the multipurpose aspects of conflict resolution and skilled leadership that are essential for the smooth functioning of any group or organization. Practical conflict resolution skills enable individuals to navigate disputes and disagreements in a way that promotes understanding and cooperation. At the same time, skilled leadership is necessary to manage a group or organization effectively. Together, these two concepts play a critical role in ensuring that groups and organizations function effectively and efficiently. The paper concludes that conflict resolution is a complex process that requires a multifaceted approach. Western and Muslim approaches to conflict resolution have similarities and differences regarding their underlying principles, methods, and goals. Western approaches tend to be centered on using formal legal systems, while Muslim approaches often rely on Islamic principles and laws. Both approaches share the goal of resolving conflicts fairly and justly, and both recognize the importance of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as arbitration and mediation.</p> Shakir Hussain Muhammad Muslim Salman Arif Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2023-10-29 2023-10-29 3 02 Jul-Dec 20 41 10.53583/jrss06.02.2023 Revitalization of Belief and Spiritual Development of Individuals against Materialist Philosophy: Appraisal on Risale-i-Nur <p><em>This paper investigates Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s methodology for the revitalization of belief and spiritual development of individuals through Risale-I-Nur. It analyses Nursi’s concept of Human I, methodology of the spiritual training to save an individual’s belief from materialist philosophy, spiritual guidance for different segments of society, and understanding of ethical values in the Islamic context. The research methodology of the paper is qualitative. The study reveals that Nursi asserts that reflection on the inner world and understanding of human 'I', are a means to comprehend the reality of the Creator and man's role as His representative. However, Nursi's understanding of inner reflection and spirituality is different from traditional Sufiism on many counts. He advises believers to seek guidance from the line of prophethood as opposed to that of philosophy to protect themselves from materialist ideologies. The study also reveals that Risale provides spiritual guidance for almost every segment of society and advises the believers to see tribulations as an opportunity for their spiritual growth. Finally, the research concludes that Nursi sees the man and the universe as closely related wherein observing ethical values in the light of religion brings about harmony between the two.</em></p> Shumaila Majeed Abid Naeem Muhamm Imran Malik Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 3 02 Jul-Dec 42 59 10.53583/jrss06.03.2023 Development and Validation of a Composite Short Scale for Measuring Socially Distant Attitudes toward Religious Minorities in Pakistan <p>The literature extensively explores Muslim students’ attitudes towards religious minorities in Pakistan. However, most of these studies are qualitative, leaving a notable gap in the availability of self-report measures to capture genuine opinions. Furthermore, existing quantitative studies rely on simple questionnaires rather than rigorously developed and validated scales. This study addresses this gap by developing and validating an objective composite scale for measuring attitudes toward religious minorities in Pakistan. We began by creating a pool of 50 items, some adapted from existing scales and others newly created. This pool underwent careful scrutiny and discussions, resulting in a refined collection of 27 items. The reduced item pool was first piloted and then administered to a sample of university students (Sample 1, n=300) for exploratory factor analysis that resulted in a unidimensional seven-item scale named “Socially Distant Attitude towards Religious Minorities” with a Cronbach’s α of 0.87. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis (Sample 2, n=498) demonstrated satisfactory construct validity, as indicated by robust model fit indices: Root Mean Squared Error Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.07, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.98, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.98, Normative Fit Index (NFI) = 0.97, Tucker Lewis Index (TLI) = 0.96, and p&lt;0.001. The resulting composite scale holds promise for future research endeavours, and its application in subsequent studies will further validate its utility and reliability.</p> Khaista Rahman Muhammad Tahir Khalily Muhammad Akram Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 3 02 Jul-Dec 60 81 10.53583/jrss06.04.2023 Exploring Nawab Siddique Hassan Khan's Quranic Contributions: An Examination of His Works on Quranic Studies <p>The Quran, revered as the divine constitution revealed by Allah Almighty, serves as a guiding light for humanity. Throughout history, scholars from various regions and epochs have dedicated themselves to unravelling its profound essence through diligent research. The Tehreek-e-Fehm-e-Quran, initiated by Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah, catalysed interpretative and pedagogical efforts among contemporary writers in the Indian subcontinent. Among the stalwarts devoted to the Quranic cause, Nawab Siddique Hassan Khan stands out, having authored over 222 books, including seven seminal works on Quranic studies in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu languages. This thesis embarks on a comprehensive research and analytical exploration of Nawab Siddique Hassan's Quranic literature, encompassing his edited compilations of tafsir (exegesis), such as "Fatah-ul-Bayan-fi-Maqasid-il-Quran," "Tarjaman-ul-Quran-be-Lataif-il-Bayan," and "Nail-ul-Maram-min-Tafseer Ayat-il-Ahkam." Additionally, it delves into his works on Uloom-ul-Quran, including "Afadat-ul-Shuyukh be Miqdar al Nasikh wal Mansukh" and "Akseer fi Usool-e-Tafseer," as well as his partial exegeses like "Tazkeer ul Kul be Tafseer-il-Fateha wa Arba-e-Qul." Furthermore, it examines his discourse on the Dignity of Surahs of the Quran, as articulated in "Fasl-il-Khitab fi Fazl-il-Kitab”</p> Abdul Raziq Hafiz Amjad Hussain Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 3 02 Jul-Dec 82 94 10.53583/jrss06.05.2023 Atheism in the Muslim World: Classical Approach through Medieval Islamic Intellectual and Philosophical Traditions <p>This research article examines the presence of atheism in the classical and medieval Islamic intellectual and philosophical traditions. In addition, the research explores the current situation of atheism in the Muslim world. The paper explores the historical development of atheism in the Muslim world. This research paper is divided into four sections: the Islamic definition of atheism by Muslim academics, early Muslim history, a description of Ex-Muslim atheists, and modern atheist groups.</p> Syed Hamid Farooq Bukhari Muhammad Abid Salman Arif Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 3 02 Jul-Dec 95 114 10.53583/jrss06.06.2023 Communal Responsibilities and Ecological Awareness: An Exploration through the Seerah <p>Climate change and its harmful effects on nature is a serious matter of discussion in current dialogues at national and international forums. Different national and international organizations in public and private capacities are working for awareness about public responsibilities to control and halt the reasons for climate change. As climate change is an alarming situation not only for human beings but for all other creatures existing on this planet. This study is designed to explore the role of the common man to halt climate change in the light of seerah. Unwanted utilization of natural resources like trees, water, air, soil, and other mineral is a major cause of climate change which caused the huge disaster, Islam strictly teaches to secure the life of individuals. Major data of this proposal consist of Islamic teaching regarding rules and instructions for the utilization of natural resources and the role of a Muslim in society for maintaining the hygienic condition of society.&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Abid Inam Ullah Wattoo Mudassir Khurshed Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 02 Jul-Dec 115 128 10.53583/jrss06.07.2023 A Research study on the role of religion in character building from an Islamic perspective <p>Character development is a fundamental aspect of human growth and maturation. It shapes individuals' values, ethics, and behaviors, influencing not only their personal lives but also their interactions with society at large. Various factors contribute to character development, including family, education, culture, and personal experiences. Among these influential factors, religion holds a unique place, providing a moral compass and ethical framework for adherents. This research study delves into the critical role of religion, specifically within the Islamic tradition, in shaping the character of individuals and, by extension, the character of communities and societies.&nbsp;The Islamic perspective on character development is deeply rooted in a rich history of religious teachings, moral principles, and ethical guidelines. Islam, as a comprehensive way of life, not only offers a system of beliefs and rituals but also provides a profound foundation for moral conduct and personal integrity. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, and the Hadith, which consists of the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), serve as primary sources of guidance for Muslims in their journey toward character refinement. The principles of justice, compassion, honesty, humility, and many more, as articulated in these texts, are integral to the Islamic worldview.&nbsp;This research study seeks to explore the multifaceted impact of Islamic teachings on character development. It endeavors to investigate how the values and beliefs ingrained in the Islamic faith influence the behavior and character of adherents. Furthermore, it aims to uncover the various mechanisms through which religious institutions, family structures, and the wider Islamic community contribute to character building. Additionally, this study will examine the challenges and barriers individuals face when striving to align their character with Islamic principles in contemporary society.</p> Shakir Hussain Muhammad Ramzan Ali Mudassir Khurshed Copyright (c) 2023 The authors can retain copyright under the CC-BY-NC licence. However, author have to sign a form agreeing to the publication of their article under the CC-BY-NC licence. 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 02 Jul-Dec 129 145 10.53583/jrss06.08.2023