Militancy and Madrasa System of Education in India: A Critique to Yoginder Sikand


  • Neha Research Scholars, Department of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.



Militancy, Madrasah, Yoginder Sikand, Peaceful Coexistence


In media as well as in some research studies the propaganda of militancy enterer to be flourished by the madrasah system of education was so strong that the common readers of India were found to be confused. Yoginder Sikand, an influential writer in his famous book Bastion of the Believers Madrasas and Islamic Education in India, provided information about the myth and clarified the confusion over the issue. He found the Indian madrasas a nursery of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect that has been propagated by the Indian madrasah system of education. This paper evaluates Yoginder Sikand's research work and substantiates it with arguments in his favour.



How to Cite

Neha. (2025). Militancy and Madrasa System of Education in India: A Critique to Yoginder Sikand. Journal of Religious and Social Studies, 4(2 Jul-Dec).