
  • Journal of Religious and Social Studies

    The Journal of Religious and Social Studies (JRSS) is an open-access, triple-blind peer-reviewed publication focused on scholarly articles in the fields of Religious and Social Studies. It publishes original research, review articles, and book reviews related to Islamic sciences, aiming to foster the exchange and discussion of academic findings.

    JRSS is committed to advancing academic discourse by prioritizing Religious Sciences and encourages contributors to explore various dimensions of Religious and Social Studies. Submissions are welcomed from scholars in Pakistan and internationally, covering topics such as Islamic theology, philosophy, sociology, jurisprudence, contemporary studies, comparative religion, spirituality, Qur'anic and Sunnah studies, religious history, art, psychology from religious perspectives, socio-economic issues, and socio-religious paradigms. The journal also invites reviews of recently published books.

    With a focus on global religious studies and a particular emphasis on Pakistan, JRSS seeks to promote interdisciplinary research on the Islamic world through cross-national and comparative approaches. It aims to facilitate scholarly interaction among academics from diverse traditions of learning.

    The journal publishes at least two issues per year, with articles released collectively in volumes that include a table of contents. Special issues, managed by guest editors, are also periodically published.

    For submission guidelines, please consult the Style Guide and visit the Author Guidelines section for further details.

  • Al-Wābil (الوابل)

    About the Journal

    Research Journal Al-Wābil has been launched by the School of Religious and Social Studies, Faisalabad, Pakistan since January 2024. The journal aims to provide a platform for academic fraternity in Islamic and religious studies around the world for the publication of their scholarly research.  It is devoted primarily to the publication of research in diverse fields of Islamic learning, literature, culture, and current issues in Islamic discourse and the history of the Muslim world. Research articles on Islam more broadly on religion, based on sources from diverse cultural backgrounds will also be considered for publication in instances where the editors find the material especially relevant to the objectives of the journal.

    Aims and objectives of Al-Wābil include:

    -to encourage advanced scholarly research on contemporary issues of the modern era, in addition to the traditional approach to various branches of Islamic learning on Islam, which aims at a legitimate Islamic verdict on complex social, individual, and scientific issues.

    -to help academic researchers get their writings published in all domains of religious studies in general and Islamic studies in particular.

    -to deliver analytical reviews on the latest books and other academic materials.

    -to publish articles after the blind peer review process, which is carried out by leading specialists in Islamic & religious studies in order to enhance the Islamic scientific research which addresses the issues faced by our societies.

    -to develop diversity, tolerance, and fruitful scholarly discussions among researchers without any ethnic, national, or religious discrimination. Al-Wābil welcomes scholars from around the world to submit their scholarly contributions to our platform.

    Research Journal Al-Wābil strives to contribute to academic inquiries by positioning Religious sciences as its main focus and encouraging its contributors to comprehensively consider the different facets of Religious and Social Studies. Contributions are encouraged and welcomed from Pakistan and international academics in Religious and Islamic theology, philosophy, sociology, jurisprudence, contemporary studies, comparative religion, spirituality, Qur’anic and Sunnah studies, Religious history, and art, Psychology with religious perspectives, socio-economic problems, socio-religious paradigms and reviews of most recently published books.